The team behind PlantWise

Alexander Supe

iOS Developer

Alexander is a master deep sea diver. One time he punched a Great White in the nose and stood in front of him with a Peter Pan pose.

Logan Van Hook

Backend Developer

On his time off Logan is a freelance lock-picker. He also teaches lock-picking in his grandothers garage. Currently there is a waitlist to enroll in his lock-picking classes.

Ufuk Turkozu

Core Data

Ufuk is a professional boy-band member. He is part of five different boy bands, two of which are K-pop bands. He recently turned down The Return of The Backstreet Boys.

David Shestopal

UI FrontEnd Developer

David is a master mind reader. It is very difficult to have a conversation with david because he knows exactly what you are going to say.

Diton Pashaj

UI FrontEnd Developer

Diton is training to become a snake fighter. He developed an interest in snake fighting when he saw a Vietnamese master karate-kick a cobra with his eyes closed.

Isabella Guo

Front End React

Isabella is a well know mountain climber. She is yet to find a challenger to climb a mountain bare feet.

Michelle Cupp

React I

Michelle is a llama whisperer. She realised she could talk to llamas at a very young age. Now she volunteers helping farmers sweet talk to their llamas.

Troy Christian

Mobile Developer

Troy is the current champion of multi-fighter cage fighting. He has achieved this with no traning and usually shows up drunk for his fights.

Alexander Cooter

React II

Aexander is a worm collector. He is unable to describe why he does it.

Taylor Cool

Back End Architect

Taylor is a hand model. His irresistable hands have appeared in numerous movies and magazines around the world.